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Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900
Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900
Livre Ancien, rare ou d'occasion

Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900

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ISBN : neant
Auteur(s) : nc
Éditeur : T Square club Philadelphia
Date de parution : 1899
Pagination : 224 pages
Format : 17 x 24 cm
40,00 €EUR

Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900


Relié / hardcover

dos lisse

un trait rouge sur le 1er plat

In english

nombreuses illustrations

bon état intérieur


Catalogue of the annual architectural exhibition 1899-1900 page

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